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Track your electric savings

Select an Ather
Ather 450S
pro packPropro pack info
How far do you ride daily?
15 km
Ather Advantage
In undefined years, you’ll match the ownership cost of a petrol
scooter. It’s just savings from then on.
Ather Advantage
In undefined years, you’ll match the ownership cost of a petrol
scooter. It’s just savings from then on.
Ather Advantage
In undefined years, you’ll match the ownership cost of a petrol
scooter. It’s just savings from then on.
Ather Advantage
In undefined years, you’ll match the ownership cost of a petrol
scooter. It’s just savings from then on.
Cost breakdown
  • Ather 450S

    125cc scooter
  • On-road price

    -₹ 1 20 000
  • Fuel Cost

    ₹ 5 143₹ 56 250
  • Service cost

    ₹ 7 500₹ 30 000
  • 5-year ownership cost

    ₹ NaN₹ 2 06 250
Reasons to go
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Ather 450S
125cc scooter
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    Experience what makes Ather the ultimate test ride
